Businesses invest in staff training, adverts, new websites and promotional materials, but when it comes down to shaking hands on a deal, is your workspace winning business for you?
What distinguishes the most successful companies from their less successful competitors?
Because they are visionary companies that translate their principles into the touchable workspaces that their business occupies with a consistent set of messages. Essentially, they use their workspaces to reinforce the norms and beliefs of the company. Moreover, this winning formula extends beyond their employees into the prospects and clients. So by strengthening the values of the business through the workspace, they secure that next big contract.
Does your workspace show you as a winning business?
The key to winning business is to have a consistent message across all customer touch points. Does your workspace reinforce the ethos your client expects to see based on everything they have heard and read?
A website can help a prospect to find your business and allow your sales team to reach out, but the company branding and values have to extend to the workplace. As, in our experience, every big deal or contract rests on a face-to-face meeting where you have the opportunity to reinforce trust and reliability. At this point, a workspace becomes a valuable asset in the engagement phase of the customer journey.
What is the first and last thing that you want your prospects to think about your business?
What is your workspace saying behind your back?
Winning businesses understand that workspace design can impact how people work and the success of a business plan relies on good workplace design. Since surveys show that 85% of business owners believe clients make a judgment on a business based on its office environment. What is the subconscious message that your workspace is transmitting to your clients and prospects?
When your business wins so should your employees?
What do your employees think of the space they work in? In 2003 a survey by Management Today 93% of those responding said that they regarded their place of work as a statement of whether or not they were valued by their employer.
Check out our blog “Why work environments matter” to find out how the right environment benefits your employees.
Full-time adults working from 18-67 will work an incredible 92,120 hours in their lifetime? Do they unintentionally moan about the temperature, space, communal areas to friends?
Do you have the space to win business?
A growing business is a beautiful thing, but it provides challenges when it comes to finding space for your team. It’s at this point that things get out of hand. It’s tempting to ‘stick in an extra desk’ and hastily hook up and extension lead and data cable, but in reality, this temporary installation will probably be there for the next three years. Will this person be able to work efficiently and will their ‘temporary’ desk affect morale and lose you business?
Read about a recent client project we completed that got Crowd ready for growth here